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How do I register for classes?
There will be continuous registration for any students who wish to enroll mid-year, with adjusted fees during our spring or fall semester.
What does registration include?
The textbooks and materials are included with the tuition.
Is there a discount for enrolling multiple children?
The rate for two individuals belonging to the same family, such as siblings, married couples, or family members, attending in person, is $520. See registration for more discounts.
Do you offer scholarships?
During the ongoing Covid crisis, we are pleased to offer a range of need-based scholarships for financial aid. We encourage you to reach out to us without hesitation to inquire about these opportunities. Our team is ready to assist you with any questions you may have.
Does your school PTA?
Yes, we do! Recommended fee: Parent Teacher Association contribution (학부모 회비): $20/year